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For Dentists

There are three options with the referral procedure:
1) Referral for opinion/Consultation:

A consultation appointment is necessary before any treatment is carried out. This is a 20 -30 minute appointment which will involve a full clinical and radiographic assessment of the tooth or teeth in question. The patient is not committed to treatment at this stage and a follow up report can be requested.

The issues addressed most commonly during the consultation:

2) Referring for Treatment (consultation required):

You may wish to refer a patient for specific specialist treatment that you do not wish to undertake yourself.

3) Seeking an Opinion

You may wish me to give advice on a case that you are involved with. Ideally this request would be a written letter or email with a brief history outlining the problem with a few radiographs enclosed of the tooth in question. However, in the event of there being an acute problem with the patient in your surgery i.e. management of trauma I will happily advise over the phone.